Jim Humble mms protocols, Andreas Kalcker cds chlorine dioxide solution

MMS / Chlorine Dioxide Health Recovery Guide Protocols
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Please Note:  For the beginner...

Many of the basic Jim Humble MMS Protocols are listed below, in a simple organized manner, to help you get started. However, there are other advanced MMS Protocols that are described fully in Jim Humble's Latest Book, MMS Health Recovery Guide. He explains all pre-cautions, protocols, sacraments / products, in great detail, how and why they are used together. Remember, MMS does not heal the body as such, it destroys pathogens and poisons that prevent the body from being healed so that the body can heal itself.

Jim's Book or Ebook is highly recommended especially if you are new to MMS)  https://jimhumblebooks.co/

Andreas Kalcker cds chlorine dioxide solutionCDS Use and Storage Info

1 ml of our CDS (stabilized chlorine dioxide solution, .3%, 3000 ppm) is equal to 3 activated drops of MMS 22.4% sodium chlorite. Simply follow the Basic Jim Humble / G2 Church Protocols, below, as usual substituting 1ml CDS for 3 activated drops of MMS.

* When in daily use keep CDS refrigerated. It should last 4-8 weeks in the refrigerator if the lid is sealed tight. (we are not responsible for how you store it). Our HDPE bottles can be used, safely, to freeze your CDS for much longer storage.


Jim Humble & G2 Church Basic MMS Protocols

READ THIS FIRST - The number one question everyone asks is:

What about my diet and eating while on MMS Protocols? - Click here to read or download - Eating While On Your MMS Protocol

** SPECIAL NOTE... for children and pets, use same protocols but substitute only 1 drop per 50 lbs. of body weight (dosage).

* Starting Procedure Liquid MMS + Actvator - http://www.g2church239.org/protocols/MMS-WPS_Starting_Procedure.pdf

* Protocol 1000 - Everyone should start with this before adding any other sacrament or protocol - http://www.g2church239.org/protocols/MMS_Protocol_1000.pdf


* Protocol 1000+ DMSO for deeper penetration - http://www.g2church239.org/protocols/MMS-Protocol-1000-Plus-DMSO.pdf


* Protocol 2000 - for all cancers and serious life threatening conditions - http://www.g2church239.org/protocols/MMS-PROTOCOL-2000.pdf


* Taste Management:  If you put a pinch or smaller of baking soda in MMS solution it becomes odorless and somewhat tasteless. 

A splash of pure cranberry juice or organic apple juice, with no vitamin C added is always a good choice. The cranberry juice I use is sweetened with stevia. cranberry juice as the mix fluid means the MMS levels can get quite high before you even notice.

Any of the above additives can be adjusted to your own taste without diluting potency of the MMS (activated sodium chlorite).


* Bath Protocol - http://www.g2church239.org/protocols/MMS_Bath_Protocol.pdf


* Spray bottle protocol - http://www.g2church239.org/protocols/MMS1_Spray_Bottle_Protocol.pdf


* Mouth, Teeth, Gum Rinse - http://www.g2church239.org/protocols/MMS_Teeth_Gums_and_Mouth_Rinse.pdf


* Making a Whole Day Supply of MMS - If work or other responsibilities make it inconvenient for you to prepare MMS hourly, you can pre-mix your doses for the day. Eg; if you are on 3 drops per hour for 8 hours per day that equals (24 drops total). * For taste management see that section above.

Start the day by activating your daily amount in a glass,

1) 24 drops of MMS with 24 drops of 4% hydrochloric acid solution.

2) After the 20 to 30 seconds, add this to about 1 litre or 32 oz. of water in a sipper bottle or similar, (preferably dark plastic or glass - not metal). Keep your bottle out of direct sunlight.

3) If your water bottle is not pre-marked. Then use a felt tip pen to mark the side of the bottle into 8 equal parts of 4 oz each.

4) and then simply drink one dose (4oz.) per hour.


Please Note: we no longer produce or offer these products, but we highly recommend the suppliers listed below.

** Order Original Formula Jim Humble mms products, Andreas Kalcker CDS  chlorine dioxide solution from www.PureLiving.store


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